Playing with the fire

May 11, 2009
Today is a tips and tricks post, for making gold at AH.
Lately my way of making gold is no longer bid an insane amount of items for 1 - > 20 - 30g profit, but rather buy low and make a lot more (since i dont have a lot of time lately) .

This is more for people that dont have time to play regulary + 2H /day.

Here is what an WoW session looks for me:
1. Check the bank alt from Booty Bay to see what pets he sold, and if any others can be sold . Same for horde only recipes. Also check for bargains and alliance only pets/recipes at low price
2. Put in the G-bank anything worth sending to main bank from Orgrimmar.
3. Log on main bank from Orgrimmar, scan AH. Post anything that was unsold, and anything sent from main or Booty Bay bank alt.
4. Search for vendor items (i.e. items that sell with more at vendor than the price they are posted in AH) - certain profit. Usually i search for anything thats +1g
5. Search for resale
6. Here is where it gets tricky. Not all the items are at their real price, because Auctioneer can and is fooled alot by over (under)pricing.
7. Spot a good bargain (+300g profit according to Auctioneer) (or several items, +10, that can be all sold with that +300g profit)
8. Check allakhazam for the price. It has an min, an max and average and most seen at prices.
9. If the profit still stands in relation with most seen at buy the item(s) and repost them undercuting it by 2-5%
10. Finish the breakfeast. :)

Please note that some items will take more time to sell than others. This is most of the times not instant profit. Keep in mind that you have to play safe but also risk some gold to.
Also keep in mind the 10% AH cut + each deposit you make for an unsold item.

Happy hunting :)