Curse, WoW Interface and WoW Matrix drama

May 08, 2009

So it seems that once again i have to do the search for addons on 10 websites, and still might not have the most up to date addon.
Curse and WoWInterface have shake hands to eliminate one of the competitors : WoWMatrix

WowMatrix have been so far the greatest addon updater out there. Basically what he did is update all your addons from the author's website , but mostly from Curse and WoWInterface. Curse and WoW interface have complained about being leached on, and that Matrix are eating out their bandwidth, especially on the patch days, so they both locked out its access on their website.

Of course both parties say that they are holding the best intentions for user comunity, however none of them actually do something that will show that (other than stating it so).

My opinion on that is on one hand Curse and WoWInterface should shake hands and create something togheter (similar to what they already have) and make a sort of joint venture. On the other hand WoWMatrix could still keep the so called "unsupported" addons on their application but with link to Curse or WoWInterface, so user cand download it from there himself.

This basically is just a fight over the cookie. Matrix started to gain way to much popularity and they only show their "adds" on the application and it bite a big part of the player base onto it.
All three are making money on the 11.5 milion WOW playerbase, and i am sure none of them have player best interest at hearth, however i am inclined to believe Matrix side of the story rather than Curse & WoWInterface one.


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